Monday, April 11, 2022

Dokudami Tea From Japan

Dokudami ドクダミ 蕺草

Dokudami seen in Japan in May 2022.

Dokudami (Fish Mint; Houttuynia cordata) flowers around May in Japan. The plant Dokudami, lit. "poison stop" is considered medicinal, acting as a mild laxative and diuretic as well as a general body cleanser.

Some elderly Japanese people still make a tea from its dried leaves, though its medicinal properties are more highly thought of now in the west rather than Japan.

Fish Mint; Houttuynia cordata.
Fish Mint or Houttuynia cordata is a mild detox

Few people in Japan now eat dokudami leaves in salad and the plant is less widespread than it was 25 years ago, though it has adapted well to most environments in urban and suburban Japan.

Dokudami can be found throughout Japan, China and Korea.

Purchase dokudami tea direct from GoodsFromJapan.

Containing no caffeine, dokudami tea is suitable for all ages and can be readily brewed and enjoyed just like ordinary tea at any time of the day.

Purchase dokudami tea direct from GoodsFromJapan

Dokudami Tea From Japan.
The dokudami plant flowers in early May in Japan


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